Hi friends.. I'm back again.. The last week I'm out of blogger because of some busy stuffs.. Today I'm free and like to write something here... Hmmm.. Last week I found nothing strange to share here with you all.. Anyway, now what should I write here...? Hmmm.. My own love story..? No... way.. It might make my readers and me unhappy... Ohh god I can't imagine that..
Actually I used to write here true stories and articles about.... the present and day to day happenings in my life and society.. Yes I got it now... It's all about smoking...
Hello my dear smoking friends.... Did anybody of my friends stopped smoking..? Have you heard about the new rule against public smoking..? Be careful... Avoid the public smoking, the police is behind you...
Some of my friends are not even bothered about the new rules... they are still smoking in public places.... Some others are not smoking in public but they used to smoke in some lonely corners, behind the tea stall, under the bridge etc... Anyway I'm a good boy now, because I have stopped smoking 2 weeks before.. it is not due to the new rule. I made a promise on Neeraj's head that I will never smoke... If it happens his head will explode.. I Know his head carries lots of my old promises which i gave him during the school days.. Ohh God, I know one day his head will explode with a load noise or sometimes on a rainy night a big thunder will land on his head... OKey, wait and see what's going to happen...
Ohh my dear smokers... back to the matter... Here I would like to tell you one thing. Please try to stop your bad habit. I don't know whether you hear my words or not. But I know one thing.... Some of my stupid dudes will suddenly stop smoking when their girl friends says... I know many guys are sometimes getting kisses for stopping the smoking. If they got bored of kisses they restart smoking... and like that goes on stopping.. starting.. stopping... starting etc etc.....
I know all my smoking dudes do know the bad effects of smoking... But they are not really cared about it.. All guys have their own reason for smoking. But I would like to tell you guys... You just think of some bad effects of smoking and pick the one which you fear the most. And make it a reason for stopping your habit of smoking..It is So easy.. Try it... And please add some more beautiful days to your short life.....!!!
Attention Smokers:
I'm not here for making awareness to the whole world... This is only for a few dudes of mine used to smoke daily in front of me,...
So will you stop smoking today..?
Booboo, If I replied "yes" it means i have smoking habit..........If I replied "no" it means i have smoking habit and i don't wnat to stop it......SO In both ways it will "-------"....
so better " NO COMMENTS" .........
hmmmm....gUd gUd ....
dis good for all teenages sometimes the will stop their smokking so keep it up
gud 1 BOOBOO>. !!! guD bye neeeraj !! :P :P :P
Vendada entina....cig illandu pattillanayi...etayalum ninte blog valare nannayitundu...
Vendada entina....cig illandu pattillanayi...etayalum ninte blog valare nannayitundu...
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